Sunday, March 4, 2012

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Just Been Paid Investment For Free

Make Money With JustBeenPaid Pakistan. 2% Daily Income For Life For Increase Income Read Strategy 75 Days,90 Days And More.

JSS-Tripler Basics!
Multiple Purchases Allowed…
Earn 2%+ per day…
60% per month…
“Increase Earnings with Daily

Two-Tier Referral Bonuses: 10% and 5%
” Revolutionary Breakthrough, makes JSS-Tripler Indefinitely Sustainable “

“This works” I Get Paid Daily

How is Your Money Tripled?

Tripled means 3x.. each $10 position becomes $30!

$15 earned in JSS-Tripler
$15 earned in JSS-Matrix

Step 1: JSS-Tripler
The total cash earnings per $10 JSS-Tripler position is $15
.. that is $10 x 2% x 75 days = $15

Step 2: JSS-Matrix
The further $15 is paid in the form of JSS-Matrix positions.
When four of your JSS-Tripler positions have matured and earned you $15 each, you get a JSS-Matrix position that pays you $60 when it cycles.
This amounts to $15 per JSS-Tripler position.
This is How Your Money is Tripled!

Chose The Income Plan That Suits You!

50 DAY PLAN (invest money earned and returned within 50 days!):
Day 1: Add Money
Days 2 – 50: Cashout all daily earnings.. your original invest money will be paid back to you within 50 days!
Days 51 – 75: Options – cashout the rest and earn a total of 50% more than you invested, or reinvest some and cashout some.
NOTE: Using the Total Cashout Plan means your daily earnings stop after 75 days..
To earn after 75 days please consider the 70 or 90 Day Plans below!

70 DAY PLAN (invest money earned and returned within 70 days!):
Day 1: Add Money
Day 2 onwards: Buy Maximum number of JSS-Tripler positions you can and Cashout the rest each day!

You start with $1,000
$1,000 x 2% = $20 per day
Now buy 2 JSS-Tripler positions ($20) from now on everyday without fail and start to cashout the remaining balance everyday when at least $20 or more.. your original invest money will be paid back to you within 70 days – Note: you will be able to buy those 2 JSS-Tripler positions everyday into the future earning you Indefinite Income!

90 DAY PLAN - Recommended (invest money earned and returned in 90 days!):
Day 1: Add Money
Days 2 – 25: Reinvest 100% of your Daily Earnings by buying new JSS-Tripler positions until your Balance is 50% bigger (25 days).
Days 26 Onwards: Whatever the maximum number of JSS-Tripler positions you can buy on Day 25.. then buy that exact same number of positions everyday from then on.
Days 27 Onwards: Cashout excess balance everyday after buying your daily JSS-Tripler positions.

You start with $1,000
25 days later that has grown 50% to $1,500
$1,500 x 2% = $30 per day
Now buy 3 JSS-Tripler positions ($30) from now on everyday without fail and start to cashout the remaining balance everyday when at least $20 or more.. your original invest money will be paid back to you within 90 days
Note: you will be able to buy those 3 JSS-Tripler positions everyday into the future earning you Indefinite Income!

Day 1:
Add Money
Days 2 – 75:

100% Reinvest your daily earnings

Day 76:

Balance now 340% bigger after Day 1 Investment deducted!

Day 76 onwards:

Reinvest 70% of daily earnings and cashout the remaining 30%.

Reinvest 80% of daily earnings and cashout the remaining 20%.

RESULT: Ever Increasing Earnings and Daily Cashout Amounts!

Click Here To Join JSS Pakistan

JSS-Tripler Pakistan Forever Daily Income Plan!

JSS-Tripler Pakistan Forever Daily Income Plan!
If I told you that it was possible to make a regular daily income from the investment of just one amount what would you say?
Good idea or Bad idea?
For those of you like myself who think it is a good idea let me explain!
Minimum amount needed is $500 one time:
$500 x 2% = $10 return per day
Re-invest that $10 everyday for the Next 75 days!
After 75 days you would start to generate a Cashout Profit of $5 per day forever!
All you would have to do is re-invest $10 per day from your Profits..then Cashout $5 or more per day!
Note: minimum cashout amount is $20 so you would just save that up for a few days!
ADD $1,000 one time compounded per day = $10 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $1,500 one time compounded per day = $15 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $2,000 one time compounded per day = $20 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $2,500 one time compounded per day = $25 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $3,000 one time compounded per day = $30 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $3,500 one time compounded per day = $35 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $4,000 one time compounded per day = $40 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $4,500 one time compounded per day = $45 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $5,000 one time compounded per day = $50 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
ADD $7,500 one time compounded per day = $75 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
This is what I am doing below:
ADD $10,000 one time compounded per day = $100 cashout income everyday after 75 days!
When to CASHOUT?
Well, given you are compounding everyday as your JSS-Tripler balance grows you can start to cashout amounts that are not needed to compound for that day!
Cashout Example using Just $500 to Start:
Day 1: $500 = $10 per day = excess balance
Day 2: $510 = $10.20 per day = $0.20
Day 3: $520 = $10.40 per day = $0.60
Day 4: $530 = $10.60 per day = $1.20
Day 5: $540 = $10.80 per day = $2
Day 6: $550 = $11.00 per day = $3
Day 7: $560 = $11.20 per day = $4.20
Day 8: $570 = $11.40 per day = $5.60
Day 9: $580 = $11.60 per day = $7.20
Day 10: $590 = $11.80 per day = $9
Day 11: $600 = $12.00 per day = $11
Day 12: $610 = $12.20 per day = $13.20
Day 13: $620 = $12.40 per day = $15.60
Day 14: $630 = $12.60 per day = $18.20
Day 15: $640 = $12.80 per day = $21…..Cashout $20 today!
Day 16: $650 = $13.00 per day = $4
Day 17: $660 = $13.20 per day = $7.20
Day 18: $670 = $13.40 per day = $10.60
Day 19: $680 = $13.60 per day = $14.20
Day 20: $690 = $13.80 per day = $18
Day 21: $700 = $14.00 per day = $22…..Cashout $20 today!
Day 22: $710 = $14.20 per day = $6.20
Day 23: $720 = $14.40 per day = $10.60
Day 24: $730 = $14.60 per day = $15.20
Day 25: $740 = $14.80 per day = $20.00..Cashout $20 today!
Day 26: $750 = $15.00 per day = $5
Day 27: $760 = $15.20 per day = $10.20
Day 28: $770 = $15.40 per day = $15.60
Day 29: $780 = $15.60 per day = $21.20..Cashout $20 today!
Day 30: $790 = $15.80 per day = $7
Day 31: $800 = $16.00 per day = $13
Day 32: $810 = $16.20 per day = $19.20
Day 33: $820 = $16.40 per day = $25.60..Cashout $20 today!
Day 33: $830 = $16.60 per day = $12.20
Day 34: $840 = $16.80 per day = $19
Day 35: $850 = $17.00 per day = $26… Cashout $20 today!
Day 36: $860 = $17.20 per day = $13.20
Day 37: $870 = $17.40 per day = $20.60..Cashout $20 today!
Day 38: $880 = $17.60 per day = $8.20
Day 39: $890 = $17.80 per day = $16
Day 40: $900 = $18.00 per day = $24.00..Cashout $20 today!
Day 41: $910 = $18.20 per day = $12.20
Day 42: $920 = $18.40 per day = $20.60..Cashout $20 today!
Day 43: $930 = $18.60 per day = $9.20
Day 44: $940 = $18.80 per day = $18
Day 45: $950 = $19.00 per day = $27…..Cashout $20 today!
Day 46: $960 = $19.20 per day = $16.20
Day 47: $970 = $19.40 per day = $25.60..Cashout $20 today
Day 48: $980 = $19.60 per day = $15.20
Day 49: $990 = $19.80 per day = $25 ….Cashout $20 today
Day 50: $1000 = $20.00 per day = $25….Cashout $25 today!
Total Cashout so far after 50 days = $265
Day 51 to 75 you will be able to cashout at least $20 every 2 days!
Your original $500 investment back to your Alertpay within 75 days!
Day 76 onwards just continue to buy 1 New Position every day and withdraw $20 every 4 days ($5 per day) forever!
ADD $1000 to Start and Double the above
ADD $1500 to Start and Treble the above
ADD $2000 to Start and Quadruple the above
ADD $2500 to Start and Quin-triple the above
ADD $5000 to Start and Double the Quin-triple above
ADD $10000 to Start and Double the Double of the Quin-triple above
Then Sky is the Limit.. Just Add Money and WATCH it Grow!!